Today, the growth and penetration for the WhatsApp application in mobiles phones or smartphones in North America, Europe and Latin American countries is already 90%. WhatsApp reached 900 million active users worldwide. The traditional SMS Marketing, with a limit of 160 characters, has been forgotten. Innovative mobile marketing strategies with bulk messages thru WhatsApp, allow companies to send 1000 characters per message with pictures, videos or audio, making this strategy a successful alternative to traditional SMS Marketing.
The first bulk WhatsApp Marketing Software; WhatsAppMarketing, it provides the ability to create campaigns with the mobile phones of your potential clients and broadcast texts, pictures and viral videos to an unlimited number of recipients.
Increase your leads and potential client with an intelligent loyalty campaign, the unique and successful strategy to reach your audience.
A professional and effective platform to communicate with potential customers or create a loyalty program. Your bulk whatsapp messages along with images or videos and unlimited characters. A video or picture is worth than thousand words. Enrich your bulk whatsapp messages attaching a photo, video , PDF Documents & vcards in single credit.
Create and upload lists of potential clients with mobile phones. Database lists are stored in your user panel to send bulk whatsapp messages at any time.
Enjoy bulk whatsapp service via WhatsApp media with more than 1,000 characters per message. Which is more than enough to communicate effectively , and with the possibility to attach images, vcards, PDF Documentss or videos. A Viral Youtube video URL inside a Vcard to generate thousands of views.
We guarantee the delivery of your campaigns thru our platform to your contact lists/databases. You will also receive a stadistics report with deliver, read and not read messages. We have the ability to generate an automatic free reply when potential users answer your bulk WhatsApp campaign.
WhatsApp Marketing does not sell or buy databases, as we fulfill the data protection clause at our Privacy Policy to make sure your databases are secure and safe.
Our bulk whatsapp platform could be use into mobiles, tablets and PC.
"Perfection is Achieved Not When There Is Nothing More to Add, But When There Is Nothing Left to Take Away"